Sunday, October 30, 2011

Writing a Paper the Megan Way

I started my paper by actually reading the article. The first time I read it I read it straight through then the rest of the times I read through it I was looking for different devices. I started by rough draft over MEA while I was in Chicago so I wrote it in the car raped in my fuzzy blanket listening to my iPod. Now some people might find that listen to music while writing to be distracting but I like the noise. I have a really hard time writing if it's super quiet. I also may have eaten some Dunkin Donuts while writing my paper. I'm just saying it would be an improvement to Minnesota if they add some of those stores because they really do add to the writing process. I almost always right my paper all the way through the first time and then work on it from there. However, my intro is usually only a thesis statement until I'm completely finished with the paper because intros tend to be my weak spot so I leave until last to do. That's pretty much all I did. I also I had my parents read the article, much to their dismay, and then read my paper to see if it made sense.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

I want to be nurse. I have only told my mom that. I love helping people and being a nurse is a perfect way to help people. For a long time I pictured myself being a teacher but recently I noticed that I lack the patients that is needed to be a teacher. I love kids but I don't think I'd be very good at teaching them without yelling at them to be quit honest. So I have decide that my dream job would be working at childerens' hospital. I'd get to help kids and be with them and not be responsible for the education.

My only concern is maybe I'm not the right type of person to be a nurse. I mean I'm good at science so it's not really the educational aspects that are holding be back its more like the fear of picking the wrong career. What if I get to may last year of college and realize that nursing isn't for me? I know that's a problem far of in the future but I'm kind of worrier. I want to be smart about my education and pick what I want to do and stick with it. Luckily I have a year or two to look into it more before I may my final choices. I hope this wasn't a boring post but this has what's been running around in my head for the last few week and feels pretty good to type it and get out of my brain.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What I think about School

After watching the 2 million minutes video I was confused about what exactly they were trying to say. Up until the last 5 minutes when they discussed what happened to the students after high school I thought they were arguing about how students from other countries generally work harder at school which they proved. I also understand that they were creating the idea that since american students currently have a lazy work ethic it will effect future developments of the country. So I guess I did understand what they were arguing it was just the last five minutes that messed me up. I just typed and that and had an epiphany about what it was saying. They used the last five minutes to show that these super intelligent kids from other countries didn't make into their top school so what does that say about the kids who did make it in? It shows that they have even smarter and harder working kids then the one's in the video that america will be competing against in the future.

To go on to me general thoughts about the education system, I believe that everyone is to blame for the problems with the educational system. I think students are to blame in part for not work, for blaming the teacher for bad grades, for getting by with the minimal amount of work and for only caring about the grade they receive and not the actual learning taking place. I also think teachers are to blame because they often set their standards to low for students, don't take time to explain things all the way through in class, and some, not all, always blame the students. They don't ever think that maybe it's their teaching method that is flawed not the student. And of course parents are partly to blame. Since when is it a good idea to blindly believe what ever you child says? A growing number of parents are blaming teachers for their child's problems in school because their child said it was the teacher's fault. They don't then go to the teacher and ask what's going on in the class but immediately began to blame the teacher for their kid's bad grade. Overall I think that it will take effort from all three of these parties to fix the education system and until they can all admit that they are partly to blame it can't be fixed. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Not an Adult

I turned 18 yesterday which mean affixing to the US I'm an adult. But I don't feel like one. I don't think I'm ready to make my own choices. I don't feel responsible enough to make the right choices either. I want to know why is it 18 years not 21 like drinking. Scientists say that your brain is not fully develop until age 21 then why at age 18 without a fully developed brain I'm suppose to be responsible for myself? I understand that when you turn 18 your starting make big choices like which college your going to but I don't fel ready to make those type of choices yet.I know I must sound crazy because most kids my age are excited to make their own decisions but quite honestly I'm scared to make the wrong choices.

I hope this post hasn't been to boring Mrs. Cardona and you aren't setting at your computer screaming I want that minute of my life back but this what I want to talk about for my post and I'm an adult now so I do make my own choices so I hope I picked correctly.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The President's Speech to Students

First of all I would just like to say I have never listened to Presdient Obama give a speech before. I know that sounds really bad but I have listened to bits or pieces but I've never listened to a whole one. So thank you Mrs. Cardona because I now feel like I'm a better citizen because I listened to this.

Now for the analysis part. I noticed that used short sentence to place emaphsis on the longer ones. An example is " And if that means college for you, just getting into college is not enough.  You also have to graduate.  One of the biggest challenges we have right now is that too many of our young people enroll in college but don’t actually end up getting their degree, and as a consequence -- our country used to have the world’s highest proportion of young people with a college degree; we now rank 16th." He use the first two shorter sentences to talk bring up a topic and then use a longer one to show what he's truely getting at.

I also noticed that he used language that could be understood by any high schooler. He does this on purpose to make sure that he gets his point across because if kids cound't unederstand what he was saying they would have tuned him out even though what he has to say is important.

Lastly I noticed that he hardly used any pathos. There wasn't any moment in his speech where I caught myself going "awww". He stuck mostly with logos. He uses facts like "60% of the US jobs will require more than a high school diploma"  this backs up his idea of how student need to continue with their education after high school. He also appeals to the students own chacter talking about how we have a responsiblity to ourselves, our familes, and our countries to get the best education possible and do the most we can with our lifes.