Sunday, December 18, 2011


As I kid the risks I took were stupid ones. You know exactly what I'm talking about, running into the street, sticking your hand into the toaster to get out your waffle, and trying to land a back flip off the monkey bars and ending up with a trip to the emergency room instead. Okay maybe I was just a really crazy kid but when I was younger I wasn't scared of anything and I wanted to do everything no matter the risks.

I'm now a "Nervous Nacy". I worry about all the risks, the risks are all I can think about. I got accpeted to my first choice school I should be over joyed right now but all I can think about are the risks, how will pay for it, what if I end up in debt for the rest of my life, what if I pick the wrong career and have to start again. I realize though that in order to get anything out of life you have to take some risks. Some people say they aren't "risky people" and never take any risks. I ask them if the drove to school today they say yes and reply "You take a risk everyday when you drive to school. You rely on a yellow line to keep another car from crashing into your lane, that is for sure a risk." I guess what I'm saying is that sometimes where taking risks without even knowing that we are.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Humorous Clip

I'm not sure how to post a video but I do know how to copy and past an address to one

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas and Family

I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday and not just because of the food, although that is a part of it, I love spending time with my family. Now let me just say that there are some members of my family who I'm less eager to spend time with such as my cousin Jimmy. Jimmy and I are less then a year apart in a age and we don't see eye to eye on anything. This Thanksgiving he asked me if I had started my wife training yet let's just say me response was not said with kindness. I do like hanging out with my cousin Kelly though. She is five and one of the cutest kids you've ever met. There is lovely picture of her to the left after she tricked her older brother into taking her to McDonald's after she'd already went once with her mom. I have special place in my heart for Kelly because she is my only girl cousin and for the last few years she always wants to sit by me at Christmas brunch and wants me to color with her. I love Christmas cause it's an excuse to spend time with my family and even though we don't always get along it's great to be with them. And below is a picture of all of us cousins from a few years ago so you can put some faces to names.
Back row: from left to right is Jimmy, David, Me, Dan
Middle: Tyler and Nick
Front: Kelly