Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jim Crow Laws

I strongly disagree with the Jim Crow laws, I know your all shocked. I just can't believe that people actually thought these laws were fair. Not only that but they thought that everything I was equal? It was not equal. The black and white schools were completely different. The supplies such as books for the black schools were falling apart where as the white schools were getting new books. Does that sound "separate but equal" to anyone? I could go through and list at least 15 more examples like this but I won't because honestly it's hard for me to think about. I don't want to think about how horribly these people were treated because it just makes me so angry and there is nothing I can do to go back and change it. All I can do is learn from our country's past mistakes and not inflict this kind of discrimination on any other group of people.

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