Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Opinion on the Packet of Short Stories

I decided to write about my two favorite short stories from the pact. They just so happened to be the first two, I did read them all but these were the ones that happened to stick out to me.

William Kennedy-
I enjoyed this short story because it was relatable. I have wrote many "Eggs" and my parents have read them said its simply amazing then go on and correct my spelling errors. My brother is my "father" from this short story he reads my paper and just looks at me. He then goes on. " this really is the best you can do? You can't right anything better then this? And to think my and dad think your the good one at communications." So again I say liked this story because I have lived this story.

Pat Conroy-
This is pretty much the most brilliant short story I've ever read. She managed to make me feel more in a page and half than I have exprinced in some 200 page novels. The way she writes makes her story on serious subject in places light and almost comical. Such as the refrences to her family memebers names or her sister saying that the miscarriages, "Were the lucky ones." But for me the ending was the most powerful part of the story. How at ages 9 and 11 her and her sister began to write to prove that these things with their dad had actually happened.

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